
Norddeutsche Horntage 2023

19 - 24 March 2023 | Landesmusikakademie Wolfenbüttel

General Terms and Conditions Norddeutsche Horntage 2023

The Norddeutsche Horntage will commence on 20th of March 2023 at 9.00 am. The arrival will be at 19th of March 2023. There will be no lessons on this date. The course will end on the 23rd of March at 22.00H. 

The number of participants is limited. Active participants must be aged between 16 and 35. Exceptions to this rule will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the organizers of the master classes. There is no age limit for guest student participants. Once all applications have been received (10th of January 2023 deadline), admission of participants will be considered. An admission spot cannot be transferred to another person. There can be asked for a CV or recording.

The course fee is 320 EUR. Payment by credit card will cost 5 EUR extra.

A registration fee can only be reimbursed if the organizers are forced to cancel the master class.

Reimbursement of 50% of this fee is only possible if the participant cancels his/her participation by the 1st of March 2023. After this date, participation fees will, without any exception,  not be reimbursed. Reimbursement of course fees at the end of the course is not possible. Participants will receive a receipt after paying the course fee/overnight stay.

Exclusion from course participation due to tardiness, inadmissible behaviour, domiciliary rights. The organizers reserve the right to exclude a participant from participating in the master class, if he/she due to excessive tardiness reduces his/her participation to such a degree that a certificate of participation no longer can be justified. The organizers reserve the right to exclude a participant from participating in the courses, if he/she commits a crime during the course (e.g. theft), or if he/she, in spite of a warning, commits another offense that compromises the proper execution of the master class. The organizers reserve the right to apply domiciliary rights at any point in time during the course. If a participant is excluded from a master class, the course fees will not be reimbursed.

Liability for Course Participants’ Property
The organizers are not liable for the course participants’ valuables and clothes. 

Damage to Course Participants’ Property
The organizers are not liable for damage incurred to course participants’ property (e.g. spectacles, cellular phones). Each participant must have his/her own instrument and liability insurance.

Practice Rooms
Practice rooms are available.

Overnight Stay
The course participants are put up in the Youth Guest House in Wolfenbüttel. An overnight stay at the Youth Guest House includes full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and costs 200 Euros for five nights (Full Board). The participants will stay in rooms with 2-4 beds. The rooms are gender-segregated. Each participant will receive his/her own room key. There is a lost key fee of 70 Euros.

Private Lessons
Each participant will receive at least four (4) private lessons from different teachers. The organizers will do their best to accommodate all lesson requests. However, it can be possible that not every request can be answered. In addition there will be audition training, accompaniment, recital participation, etc. The organization has the right to select participants by CV or  recording.

Course Venue
The organizers reserve the right to relocate the course within a suitable distance in case of unforeseen incidences (e.g. fire in the training rooms).

The participant accepts, that the organisation makes film and sound recordings, and can use this for a video. If the participant doesn’t want this, he or she has to contact the staff. The organisation will ask permission to the participant, before filming individual lessons.

The number of participants is limited. Participants will be selected from the applications that have been submitted on time.

The deadline of registration is the 15th of January 2023.

Die Norddeutschen Horntage 2023 werden durch die Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung und Die Braunschweigische Stiftung ermöglicht. Wir danken herzlich für die großzügige Förderung unserer verlässlichen Partner!